Welcome To Baly Ha Na

Baly Ha Na can help you reach your true  potential through creativity. For most of us, our creative potential has been blocked, shamed, starved and silenced. And then that energy can get into the world in toxic ways. But if we unite within ourselves, and the world,  we can change this!

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Barbara J. Hughes

CEO, Founder

In 1992, I began a business consulting firm in Boston, MA whose focus centered around people having more fun going to work, and to level the playing field of opportunity. It was always more fun if people were learning, had the tools they needed, were being treated with equal respect, and there was a genuine compassion for the people. Great results inevitably followed.
Over the years, my natural love for music, fun and people, evolved into a company whose mission was to unite, educate and heal through creativity." What I learned over the years, no matter where I lived, who I met, and how diverse it "seemed" we all were, our core desires and needs are truly the same and one. And how limited would our potential be, if each person's unique piece of the puzzle wasn't allowed to be placed. Everyone has a sacred gift and voice to share.

Baly Ha Na is dedicated to creating a "Safe" space and "Process" for that beautiful creative spark to shine, no matter what stage of life you are in. Let’s focus on what unites us, beginning with ourselves. With gratitude, Barbara J. Hughes  


Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Be Included in our current and Upcoming Projects for Baly Ha Na & the One Song World Project 

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